Three Truths for the Abused Woman this Valentine’s Day

I wrote this a few years ago in honor of survivors that I know. I hope it reaches the ones who need it this year. Your best IS good enough. You try to do your best for him, but it’s never good enough, right? You follow all his rules, you don’t do any of theContinue reading “Three Truths for the Abused Woman this Valentine’s Day”

Keeper of the King’s Child

If you are a Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman aficionado like myself, you may remember this certain story once told during an episode. I heard the story and was moved by it years ago, way before I knew I would be a public school teacher. Here’s how it has been remembered and reshaped in my teacherContinue reading “Keeper of the King’s Child”

The True Third Party

There is so much digital chatter about a divide between two groups in this country that I call home. While I do see clear delineations on certain issues, there is more to the story. There is more to us, my fellow humans and I, than some cookie-cutter distinction between two groups for an entire setContinue reading “The True Third Party”

Writing Her Story

It happened all the time. The woman came to court because a piece of paper said she had to, but it was the last place she wanted to be. He had threatened her, or took the phone when she tried to call 911, or trapped her in a room, or hit her. She did notContinue reading “Writing Her Story”

31 for 41: Be There

Dear Donovan, Basketball has been a huge part of our lives.  Your grandma was a great basketball player, the gift apparently skipped a generation, and then you picked up the game.  From rec games to travel ball, from middle school to high school, I have absolutely loved watching you play the game.  We have watchedContinue reading “31 for 41: Be There”

31 for 41: Buy the Truth

Dear Donovan, A long time ago in a far away land, King Crocodile called for a meeting of the animal ambassadors.  Representatives from each species in the land came to hear the king’s announcement. “Ambassadors,” King Crocodile began, “we are receiving a new species of animal into our land.  To keep the order of theContinue reading “31 for 41: Buy the Truth”

31 for 41: What You Will Be

Dear Donovan, There was once a wise man who visited a school as a guest speaker.  During this man’s presentation, a high school student kept talking, making jokes, and generally being disrespectful.  After the presentation, the school administrator apologized for the unruly student’s behavior, and offered to bring the teenage boy to the speaker soContinue reading “31 for 41: What You Will Be”

31 for 41: The Book and Belteshazzar

Dear Donovan, I know I am not supposed to worry, but I do.  When I think of what the future may be for our country, I worry about my three sons possibly having to live without the same freedoms we enjoy now.  If I dwell on that possibility, it is hard to hold back tears.Continue reading “31 for 41: The Book and Belteshazzar”